Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Modern Townhouse: The Latest in Urban and Suburban Designs

The Modern Townhouse: The Latest in Urban and Suburban Designs

The Modern Townhouse: The Latest in Urban and Suburban Designs

FEATURED The Modern Townhouse: The Latest in Urban and Suburban Designs

A townhouse is a residence that many find combines the best amenities of a singleâ€"family home and a condominium. By definition, a townhouse is a home that is attached to adjacent houses, which sits upon land that you own. THE MODERN TOWNHOUSE will look at three types of town house projects that are increasingly popular in urban areas and closeâ€"in suburbia: 1) Renovation of existing town houses. This is a particularly popular activity in older, urban neighborhoods undergoing reâ€"gentrification. Eighteenth and nineteenth century "shells" long in disrepair, are being gutted and totally modernized 2) Vacant lots, primarily in the inner cities, but also in closeâ€"in suburban neighborhoods where zoning restricts high rise housing, are being filled with four or five town houses that are built perpendicular to the street, usually in neighborhoods where the lot size would normally accommodate only one, detached house. This activity is in response to the increasing demand for urban housing

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